White Supremacy and the ‘New Age’ Religion

I remember being fascinated with chakras. I wanted to heal them, as that’s just what the new age industry promoted. I got books out of the library, went to healers, used crystals on them and listened to chakra healing meditations. Did I feel healed? After all that effort surely, I must have been flying!

I never looked back on what I did nor considered that there was another side to all of this, a dark side.

It wasn’t until I had the good fortune of meeting Sree Maa that some home truths were graciously shared by Sree Maa about cultural appropriation, and I knew I had to look within for my misdoings. It was then, that I felt shame for my part in enabling this harm to indigenous cultures done by whites taking ancient knowledge from indigenous nations and repackaging it into nonsense. This however, is extremely sinister as it has ‘cheapened’ and morphed from its original form and the industry has educated us westerners that for instance yoga is just some postures and breathing. Yoga goes well beyond that, that is just the first step.

To bring this into focus, let’s take a look at a simple example below – The Chakra Bible.


Its claims are:


1)    It is the bible

One must ask, ok so where did Patricia (the author) get her information in order to create a bible?

This bible is Chakra and Yoga conflated with a monotheist book. The new age is teaming up with Christian religion here. It’s using the pull of the word bible to suggest it is ‘fact’.


2) The definitive guide to working with chakras

 Again, it sounds like Patricia is the authority on chakras.

Not only that but she believes that an admixture of Yoga, colour, crystals, herbs, dowsing, chakra balancing and healing, essential oils, light therapy is the way to go.

There is no mention of the root of the ideas; not etymologically nor geographically, nor for that matter historically and much less culturally.

3)    The world’s best-selling MBS (Mind, Body, Spirit) series.

Right, so just cut and paste from this culture and that culture without regret and turn it into something that is both offensive to BIPOC and brainwashes westerners. They line up for this left right and centre, I certainly was one of them. Perpetrators of this guff are then rewarded handsomely with money for their synthetic product, which overpromised and underdelivered for its buyers. So basically, use and abuse other cultures and profiteer without consequence.

Let me pose this question to you…is it fundamentally and clearly wrong to take something from someone and claim it as your own, whilst devaluing the very foundation that their culture is based on?

And another question…who do you think has the right to do this? Why do whites feel entitled to commit what would otherwise be trialed and sentenced as a crime!

I urge you to wake up sleepy, complicit whites. Once you know the truth, you are deliberately part of the problem!

Please share this blog with others and do your own research. I implore you, be on the side of Truth, not commercialised lies.






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