Uncovering all Humanity’s Truth

I was raised in shall we say, a moderately practicing Christian household. However, this didn’t hold water for me and instead many years on I thankfully found the truth. This was only due to meeting KaVeeTa one fateful evening at an event. Fast forward a few years and it was KaVeeTa who fortunately introduced me to Sree Maa, who gently encouraged this white westerner to explore our real history and the roots of our ancient polytheistic cultures.

So, I set on the path to discover the unfiltered truth of my origin. Sree Maa recommended that we do our own research into Sanatana Dharma, the eternal Dharma or Divine Spark within us. This included reading the Bhagvad Gita, gradually eliminating meat from my diet (and feeling much lighter) and going within – something I had typically avoided most of my life.

I was reticent and resistant to look at my shadow selves and dark traits and am very much still a baby when it comes to knowing my true Self. What I have learnt, is that I don’t need to be run by those grey shades, which produce suffering for myself and others. There is another choice, but first I need to take a thorough look at ALL of me. The bits I want to deny are the very bits that will set my true Self free. Sree Maa has been very generous with me all these years, in spite of my arrogance and selfishness Sree Maa has held my hand selflessly, even as I still crawl at a snail’s pace to reaching my full potential. Everything Sree Maa has educated us on is for us to take away, read and research and draw our own conclusions. Any question is also welcomed by Sree Maa. I am beyond fortunate to have Sree Maa as my compass and harbinger of Truth; Sree Maa has spent countless hours to help me see the truth and never once judged me.

So, after much of my own analysis, I finally arrived at the indisputable truth for myself – that Sanatana Dharma was my original blueprint, not Christianity or other man-made religions that came much, much later. Knowing this, I became Hindu without reservation. I am most grateful to Sree Maa for showing me what I was blind to due to my western culture.

Did you know that Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) is the most whole, preserved understanding of the truth of the Ultimate Creator, human spirituality, our existence, science, health, psychology and philosophy? Not only that but after all eternity it is still preserved; not yet eliminated by Abrahamic religions that came from the Middle East just 3,000 years ago.

Humanity and the love of the divine presence inside every single human is what I now stand for. However, I’m completely anti Christianity and Islam for good reason. They are wholly in opposition to a diverse human society where whether someone believes in the Supreme Creator or not, they are accepted. Both Abrahamic religions have monumental, unconscionable glaring errors, but by far the biggest is their outright proclamation that they, and only they can access God and human spirituality. This they espouse with supremacy and exclusive rights. This is THE BIGGEST LIE, in an effort to CONCEAL THE TRUTH. You may or may not be aware that the bigoted behaviour, egoism and elitism that Islam and Christianity foster caused their followers to slaughter hundreds of millions of innocent divine human souls through inquisition, genocide, and holocaust. Together, in the name of ‘righteousness’ they are responsible for obliterating countless civilisations.


Regardless of your race, ethnicity, religion, or culture it is YOU that holds the key to knowing the Supreme Creator (Parmatma), all life on this planet, in the universe and within your own incarnational soul (jivatma/Self/Atman).

What a relief it is to discover that no man-made religion controls this vital knowledge and you. I see everyone as the same; I see you with love and as the divine spark that you carry. Knowing this, I implore you to wake up to your own truth. It’s there within, just dare to look and discover this, for the sake of humanity.

Realise that Islamists and Christians alike glorify any ‘success’ they have as proof of some make-believe, divine superiority. History shows this consistent, ongoing pattern. It’s all about demonising or erasing others whilst elevating their own people.

The most ancient truth for all humanity is that each of us are all born as Hindu; born into Sanatan Dharma. Most unfortunately though is that many are converted into one of the Abrahamic beliefs or brainwashed into anti-Hindu atheism.

It is via the process of birth, maya and cultural influence, NOT by choice, that we become lost, due to the society we were raised in. It is an indisputable fact that Sanatan Dharma and Vedic culture is by a long way the most ancient spiritual culture recognised by us; its origins tracing back well over 10,000 years.

Sanatan Dharma is the origin and foundation of human spirituality and truth that shared its immeasurable knowledge with the whole world, traversing our seas well before Abrahamic man-made religions were formed. I discovered the truth that Dharmic influence is reflected in the ancient traditions of South America. My great hope is that the extirpated Hindus wake to the truth and vast value of their own ancient civilisation’s remarkable feats and gifts to all mankind before it is too late. Both modern western and Abrahamic cultures are on a mission to eradicate them and their culture. Such a fate is far too gruesome to comprehend; if this were to happen it would be humanity’s greatest loss.

I encourage you to look within and do your own research on Santana Dharma without delay, there isn’t time to waste. Days and years roll by and good intentions are just that. The truth of you is there now, I sincerely urge you to connect with it and know it in your heart.


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