The Silent Illness - Narcissists & Enablers (Part 1)
We all know obesity is on the rise and this is evident round us. However, the silent illness of narcissism is also on the rise and yet is rarely discussed.
i have a long history of allowing narcissism to thrive in my life as i am a narcissist enabler. This has caused a huge amount of damage to me and to my spiritual path.
So, what is narcissism?
The Mayo Clinic describes narcissism as a disorder in which a person has an inflated sense of importance. Treatment can help but this condition can't be cured.
• Cannot feel empathy
• Exploits others
• Can be covert or overt
• Can be malignant
What is their way of being? Kiss up or shut up!
There are always two sides to a coin... A narc needs a 'victim' - an enabler!
So, what is enabling?
Narcs need a partner to prey on - they need a willing party. They use their victim to prey on their weaknesses. Narcs are attracted to people they will get the greatest use from - empaths. Narcs use their victims as their supply - they can't feel emotions themselves and love to feed on those of their targets. Enablers are taken in by the narc's charm (their false projected self) and there are crumbs of what the enabler needs fed sporadically to keep the enabler tied to them. In other words, narcs send out a line to hook you in - in the guise of being loving and attentive.
How do i know this? Well i have this recurring pattern in my life of having friends, boyfriends and family who are strongly narcissistic and some are psychopaths. It is my own lack that has attracted them to me as bait, so i need to take responsibility for their presence throughout my life.
Some of my weaknesses that have been preyed on:
• loneliness
• not feeling understood / heard / loved
• fear of not being loved
• so many feelings left unsaid / unheard (desperate need of a confidant)
How did this particular pattern play out in Kosmic Fusion volunteering?
Irene Kuo (now Joy Vottus) enjoyed ordering me around and often minimised my feelings. She either ignored me or put my concerns back onto me as me not being a good volunteer. Irene also tried to damage my reputation by making false accusations about me, and withheld resources so i couldn't do (seva) service. She made me pay for her 'projects' and for her food/supplies, claiming her husband gave her a paltry $100 per week allowance and she needed these things for Kosmic Fusion. She claimed her credit card also didn't work.
Dallia Amoutizias wanted to take me out - off my True Path from day one. She wanted me away from Kosmic Fusion and Sree Maa Shri Ji. Her envy towards me was so intense that she admitted to wanting me dead.
When she was 'taking care' of me and i was staying at her place i was very ill. i mentioned to her that i felt i may even die to which she shrugged it off and didn't take me to a doctor immediately. She also barely fed me or gave me fluids or checked on me and i was bed ridden for the best part of a week. It wasn't until Sree Maa Shri Ji came over and were shocked at how weak i was that Sree Maa Shri Ji made sure i went straight to the Emergency Room.
Dallia loved using 'flying monkeys' to support her narcissistic pursuits to target her victims. A flying monkey is a third party that supports her version of events and is an accomplice to her agenda.
How did this happen, i hear you ask? It was a gradual process; Dallia became my 'friend' and confidant who i told my inner struggles to, eg with family, suicidal thoughts etc and over time i trusted her 100%. i gave her money for the Ashram expenses (power and food) as she could not cover them but she said i had given her money to pay off her car! Dallia had been with Kosmic Fusion longer than me and i looked up to her only because she masqueraded as a devotee of Sree Maa Shri Ji. i listened to her wholeheartedly, unaware that she was twisting Sree Maa Shri Ji's Truth, and feeding me misinformation, while also trying to poison me against others in Kosmic Fusion subtly. For example, with Mala, who is in her 60's she commented "i wonder what someone her age is doing here. Seems strange so late in life."
Reading this you are no doubt thinking - doh! How could you not see this?! Well, to me they appeared kind and giving, and also ardent devotees, especially Irene. For me i have a very blind spot to narcs. Full credit is given only to Sree Maa who meticulously clarified to us all what narcissism was and how narcs work, especially how they love to prey in spiritual circles.
If it wasn't for Sree Maa i wouldn't have seen the trap that i was in and would be destined to keep falling into it! i am most heart-fully grateful for the huge amount of time given in discourses and messages by Sree Maa to help me to understand what i could not comprehend myself. Sree Maa is 100% selfless, oftentimes going without meals and breaks (among other sacrifices) to lovingly assist my development and broaden my knowledge of the Truth.
It must be said that although i sound like i was the victim of these malignant narcissists, the real victims were actually Sree Maa Shri Ji who tolerated their narcissistic behaviours, especially whilst living in the Ashram, so that we may learn more about ourselves and the narcissist epidemic surrounding us all. Sree Maa Shri Ji sacrificed their personal sacred space which was seriously mistreated and abused by Irene and Dallia. i don't know anyone on this earth that would willingly have done so for the good of others. i am indebted to Sree Maa Shri Ji for showing me this devastating pattern of mine that has stunted my spiritual growth for many years. At least now my blinkers are off and i can see far more clearly. i now importantly realise my part in this - as an enabler (thanks to Sree Maa Shri Ji) and now am working on eliminating my weaknesses, day by day, with the love and support of Sree Maa Shri Ji.
No narc supply = no preying!
Huge gratitude and love for my beloved Sree Maa Shri Ji _/l\_<3 _/l\_
A very heartfelt and honest sharing Renu! i indeed, like you, am grateful to Sree Maa Shri Ji for enduring such utter nonsense of the narcissists Nandini, Jeeya especially the malignant and covert narcs Irene/Joy Kuo/Tzu-Ling Kuo/Joy Awakening/Komal and Dallia/Meera/Iphigenie Amoutzias, so that our eyes could be opened and we could move out of our bubbles at the earliest. i have been an enabler too to some extent and have been used as a flying monkey on 2 or 3 occasions.